Treasure 2024

Treasure (2024)

As they move from one location to another, Edek’s discomfort grows, and he begins to find ways to avoid confronting the painful memories that these places evoke. Whether through deliberate forgetfulness, diversionary tactics, or outright refusal to participate in Ruth’s plans, Edek’s actions create a number of unintended comedic moments. Ruth, while initially frustrated by her father’s behavior, begins to understand that his resistance is a protective mechanism, a way of shielding himself from the emotional pain that comes with revisiting his past. Follow Flixtor Comedy Movies for more.

Treasure Movie Online Free Streaming

Title: Treasure (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Tragedy, Comedy, Drama
Director: Julia von Heinz
Writer: Julia von Heinz, John Quester, Lily Brett
Stars: Lena Dunham, Stephen Fry, André Hennicke