Back in Action 2025

Back in Action (2025)

One day, the lives of Emily and Matt seemingly come to a standstill, when they learn that they are part of the CIA and they are actually undercover agents. This makes them the enemies of several dangerous foes and forces them to come back to the espionage world. They are in a race against time, and they must use their skills to identify who is the leaker. The road they take tests their abilities and their relationship with each other is also challenged, as at every step, new dangers and unforeseen discoveries are put in front of them. They arm themselves and wage a collective fight to get their lives back and guarantee the peaceful and harmonious life that they built for themselves. Follow Flixtor Action Movies for more.

Back in Action Movie Online Free Streaming

Title: Back in Action (2025)
Genres: 2025 Movies | Spy, Action, Comedy
Director: Seth Gordon
Writer: Seth Gordon, Brendan O’Brien
Stars: Jamie Foxx, Cameron Diaz, McKenna Roberts